Austin Girl

i'm a mommy, a supportive wife (mostly), a loving daughter, a lazy but well-meaning friend, a texan, a reformed party girl, a slacker, a seeker, a chameleon, a reluctant L.Alien, trying to find the meaning of life in los angeles.

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Thursday, January 11, 2007


i read that this is national breakup day. while i'm not breaking up with anyone today, i'd like to share a story about something i did in seventh grade that i am not proud of. i had decided to break up with my boyfriend, Paul H., and SENT HIM A VALENTINE POEM!!!! this is how it went:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
A.E.W. wants to break up with you.

not kidding. not proud. but it's kinda funny, don't ya think? I WAS 12 YEARS OLD!!! if i had it all to do over again, i'd tell him "this is hurting me more than it's hurting you." well, paul, i apologize.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm 40!!!!!

i am proud to announce to anyone who is listening, i turned 40 on thursday. it wasn't such a shock, because i've been gearing up for it for a year. i didn't have the rocking disco party i was hoping to have, but i did get an awesome 2 hour massage and spent the evening with my family in austin.