Austin Girl
i'm a mommy, a supportive wife (mostly), a loving daughter, a lazy but well-meaning friend, a texan, a reformed party girl, a slacker, a seeker, a chameleon, a reluctant L.Alien, trying to find the meaning of life in los angeles.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
george the silly cat

george was such a silly cat. we inherited him when we moved in about 4 years ago. he was scrawny and wouldn't let anybody near him. we started feeding him, and he started coming to our door every morning to meow in that siamese, raspy sort of way. being my mother's daughter, he became my pet. eventually, he would let me pet him, only when i was giving him food. one day when we were having a cook out on the back patio, out of the blue, george jumps on my hubby's lap and starts purring and asking for rubbage. he loved to lay in the sun, and for one summer, the V in this tree was his favorite location to lounge and watch the world go by. he woke me up every morning at 6:30 am by crying at the door, and there he'd be, waiting for food and a good scrub on the neck. well, george. i miss you very much. rest in peace among the roses. you were a silly, wonderful cat.