Austin Girl

i'm a mommy, a supportive wife (mostly), a loving daughter, a lazy but well-meaning friend, a texan, a reformed party girl, a slacker, a seeker, a chameleon, a reluctant L.Alien, trying to find the meaning of life in los angeles.

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

down 5!!!!

so i was training for this half marathon last year (which i never ran). i was running or going to the gym 5 days a week, yet the scale didn't budge from 140. now i've reprogrammed my eating habbits, and have been abstaining from alcohol for a week, and i'm down to 135! very excited. clothes fitting better. if i can just add in a few days of excercise each week i'll be in good shape. and i don't feel like i'm dieting. i just opt for the flavorful but healthy. i have always hated dieting, but for some reason this is working and i'm not feeling deprived.

and the alcohol thing isn't bothering me either. with my sig other not drinking, i really don't even miss it. we just drink hot tea. now, if we can just keep the cat in the hat from coming over with his 3 bottles of wine.....


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